www.dadswell.co.uk  Mostly cycling records, mostly on three wheels

This page has various essays, press reports and schedules relating to End to End other riders.       Back to previous page

The earliest ride I have a written report for is that of Janet Tebbutt in 1976.

Next up, the cover & a couple of inside sheets of John Woodburn's 1981 schedule (unsuccessful ride - succeeded in 1982).

It's great to see that Peter Barlow was a key part of the organisation.   He was central to the activities of Albert Crimes and john Arnold in the early 1950s.   I wonder how many of his methods and processes were unchanged thirty years later.

Here's the final part of the schedule.   John was always very keen to emphasise that in the early 1980s, the route after Perth had hardly any bypasses.   When he showed me over the route in 1992, he was most grumpy when he realised how much easier it was by then!

Next person on my list is Mick Coupe.  I don't have a schedule, but I was passed a copy of a mightily impressive route plan written by his brother.  Below is just one page of it to give a flavour.   I heard that Mick didn't go over the whole route beforehand because he didn't want to be scared by the hills.  Seeing these notes, messages like "5.5 miles of climbing" (on the Black Isle)seem an equally scary alternative.

Then we have his cover photo on 'Cycling' (not jealous at all) and the article reporting the ride.

Next up, I have Eric Tremaine's schedule.

And then, the cutting from Cycling magazine.  Same edition as the Mick Coupe stuff - a proper End-to-End fest!

Next up, we have the story in Eric's own words.

Pauline Strong made a successful attempt on the End to End in 1990. Here's her schedule.
(with some annotations from me)

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